It rained today ! it was glorious and we rode our bikes here to the Church! GOod thing i brought a rain Coat!
lets see what happened this week, i learned something new at Stake Conference. A brother shared some really cool revelation he got about following the Savior. First Christ wants us to come unto him, but he doesnt always want us to be his Sheep , but he eventually wants us to turn around and feed his sheep, being converted unto Christ and doing the things that He will do we can love people more because when awe are Christ like we comfort those that stand in need of comfort , serve, uplift and motivate them. WE can love people more when we love Christ first.WE had two dinners last saturday one at a members home before Stake COnf. and then After Stake conf. and it was a substantial amount both times.
our mission has a new workout paphlet with scripture references and pictures of moves like the "prayer of Enos" "bulding the Temple" " etc it is pretty hilarious. It is a little hard working out hard in the morning because we are so tired, so i am really trying ot be better at working aout because ive gained about 20lbs so far so i need to be careful.
We are teachig this 22 year old young women who has no Christian background and the Plan of Salvation lesson we taught her was a little complex because she had tons of questions. but the cool part was that when we explained Christ's role and how he has gone through everything we've gone through so he can help us and comfort us, she then said " i like that because then he can relate to us and He knows how to help because he has gone through it."
by the way i am really distracted right now because there is four Elders and two sisters in the room and one of them is reading a R.M-107 form and it is way too funny! if you dont know what that is googlel it becuase you will have a ball.
ok here is my favorite expirience thus far, this transfer. WE are teaching a young women named Jaquie and she has been wanting to get baptized and she is so strong in the gospel. Her mother wont let her be baptized because she feels she needs to know more before she takes this step in her life. So we finally went over alst week to teach them both, we tried really hard for two days trtying ot get a member present but no one could come and since we already rescheduled twice we decided to just go. so we went and we expressed that we wanted to talk about Jaqui and we asked her ROsa "what are some changes that youve seen in your daughters life" she responded that " she is more loving a nd patient and she has good advice to give me especially when it comes to my son, she helps me feel better and she is just happy."
"what is it that you need oher to know before you let her be baptized?"
"she is too young."
I started to share my conversion story and how the Gospel and the BOok of Mormon has changed my life and how ive felt Closer to God by reading it, and how much young womens has been a wonderfull blesssing in my life, where ive learned good values ans by applying all of these teachings in my life, i have, been happier and filled that space in my heart. I expressed how my situation was exactly how theirs is and ( i was getting emotinal, at first i did hold it together at first but then i just let it be, then my companion started gettin teary and Jaquei started crying we were all just so overcome by the Spirit that we just couldnt help it)
then JAquie mom Rosa said "well i don't understand why you all have The Book of Mormon.
then we shared the Histiry about it and how it was written during the same time the bible was and it is a testament of jesus Christ here in the Americas the "other sheep " he was talkig about it the bible and
as we read it with a sincere heart, and ask GOd we can know of its truthfulness. Then Jaquie bore a powerful testimony about how everytime she reads i tshe finds answers to her problems and her worries are wiped away and everytime she goes to churhc , just entering makes her super happy.
her mom was amazed looking and said "really? ok I need to read the book then." My prayer was answered: the reason she won't let her d. get baptized is becasue she has not had a spiritual expirience about anything of the Restored Gospel yet. Now we are wroking on it more and we've tryed before but now i feel is the time. we have fhe with them tonight at the Yong womens Presidents house !:D
g2 go bye!
this is us going to a szone activity in a huge limo ! all the sisters in my zone i love them alll!
me and my old companion, we saw eachotehr yesterday at transfer meetings, asn by the way i am staying to finish training my companera :)
this is the Famous nancy and david I ABSOLUTLY LOVE THEM!! THey are complete oppostites because she love reading THe Book of Mormon and prays everynight and she is super smart everytime we fgo over there to teach them she re explains it to her boyfriend david so he can understand. He loves to make jokes and is very childish and loves going to church but doesnt ever want to Read, but wants to get baptized, he knows it will help his family, but he just says i only bellieve the bible and then i asked him why and he said because its old and everyone believes in it. We explained that you have to learn things out for yourself and the only way tyour going ot know if what we are teaching you is true is if you read and pray about the book of mormon and when you feel that it is true buy the same power you will know that Jesus is our Savior and that his Kingdom is once again established on the earth. Nancy is super bossy i love her she tells him well they argue and she alwys wins she says" you can't argue something you dont know for yourself, fiorst read it then you could say the book is true or not,otherwise dont argue!" it is so funny to see them arguing and she is so right, she pputs it into his head in a fdifferent manner than how we do it we do it with patience and out of love and she does it out of love and by telling him off and challanging him to read it. WE gave him a little analogy that to get a goood proffesssion we have to be diligent and work hard, we cant just simply desire it. same with life if we want to be happy and have eternal life with our loved ones we must work at it and follow the Savior. Ofcoarse this is all in spanish escept she speaks more english to us then spanish and he knows no english so we pretty much have to say everyhing twivce in both languages, poor companera of mine she is getting a taste of SPanglish culture :) she is doing great tho i love it.!
here is our lovely baptism pictures, i think i already talked about this family in the email i wrote to kristy :) they are awesome!
oh and we went to go conrtact a refferral . The man cam to the door with three little grandchildren that bursted out the door andwe got ot know him a little and then She took charge in explaining what the Bookof Mormon contains and how we can pray about it and how it can bless us and how to recongize the answer we get from the Spirit! all in perfecect soanish i backed up her testimonyup here and there, but i was just leaning on the door looking at her and smiling with a joyful
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